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Tacit Programming in BQN, Kap, Uiua and APL

tacit programming, bqn, kap, uiua, apl, point free programming, array programming
Max. attendees: 20
Thursday 3rd - 09:00 to 12:00

In this workshop, learn how to unlock the power of tacit programming in array languages. BQN will be the main focus of this workshop, but Kap, Uiua and APL will also be shown and discussed. This will be an interactive workshop so be sure to bring your laptop! If you are a beginner and are not familiar with these languages, don't worry - the workshop will provide an introduction as well.

Topics that will be covered:

  • Introduction to Array Languages
    What they are
    How to type
  • Explicit Functions vs Tacit Functions
  • Train programming
    2 Trains
    3 Trains (Fork Programming)
  • Combinators B, B1, B, B1, Ψ, S, Σ, D, Δ, D2
  • And More!

What attendees will learn:

  • How to get started / type array languages
  • Tacit techniques in BQN and other array languages
  • An emphasis on "fork programming" as it exists in BQN and APL

Requirements for the workshop:

  • Laptop (will need to connect to internet)
  • GitHub (or GitLab or CodeBerg) account is helpful but not necessary

Agenda/Plan for the workshop:

  • I will have a GitHub repository setup for the workshop that people can either git clone or just reference
  • It will have 10 - 15 exercises that we will work through together.
  • The emphasis will be on BQN but the other array language solutions will be shown and workshops attendees are welcome to submit solutions in those languages as well